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(19) World InteUectual Property /^^^^ 

IntemTotafBureau IliMnilllimilllllliilllllllllllllliillllllillim^ 

(43) International Publication Date (10) International Publication Number 

10 September 2004 (10.09,2004) PCT WO 2004/077009 A2 

(51) International Patent Classification'^: 
(21) International Application Number: 



(22) International Filing Date: 26 February 2004 (26.02.2004) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 

(30) Priority Data: 

27 February 2003 (27.02.2003) IL 

20 August 2003 (20.08.2003) US 

20 August 2003 (20.08.2003) US 

19 November 2003 (19.11.2003) US 

19 November 2003 (19.1 1 .2003) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except VS)i MOLEC- 
ULAR CYTOMICS LTD. [CY/CY]; P.O. Box 21255, 
Nicosia 1505 (CY). 

(72) Inventor; and 

(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): DEUTSCH, 
Mordechai [IL/IL]; 73 Moshav Olesh, Doar Na 
Lev-hasharon 42 855 (IL). 

(74) Agent: G. E. EHRLICH (1995) LTD.; 1 1 Menachem Be- 
gin Street, Ramat-gan 52 521 (IL). 

(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every 
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, 
AT, AU, AZ, B A, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN. 
CO, CR, CU. CZ, DE, DK, DM. DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES. FI. 
GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU. ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE. 
KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT. LU, LV, MA, MD, 
MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, 
PH, PL, PT, RO, RU. SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, 
TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG. US. UZ. VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM. 

(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every 
kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, 
GM, KE, LS, MW. MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM. ZW). 
Eurasian (AM. AZ, BY. KG, KZ. MD, RU, TJ, TM). Euro- 
pean (AT, BE, BG, CH. CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, H, FR, 
GB, GR, HU, IE, rr, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, 
TO), OAPl (BF, BJ, CF; CG, CI. CM, GA, GN. GQ, GW. 
ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— without international search report and to be republished 
upon receipt of that report 

For two -letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette, 



(57) Abstract: A method for individually moving small objects, such as cells, from one location to another as well as a device 
for implementing the method is disclosed. A small object such as a cell is isolated at some initia] location and moved to some 
destination location by the movement of the small object through a succession of intermediate locations until the small object arrives 
at the destination location. Also disclosed are methods of manipulating cells made possible by the method and device of the present 
1^ im^ention. 

wo 2004/077009 





5 The present invention relates to the field of micromanipulation and, more 

particularly, to a method to and device for physically manipulating small objects, 
especially living cells. The present invention also relates to the field of life sciences, and 
more particularly to a device and methods for individually manipulating cells. 

In the fields of biology and medicine it is often important to study the results of 

10 the interaction between living cells and external factors such as environment, physical 
stimuli, chemical stimuli and other cells. Such studies are important, for example, for 
medical diagnostics, drug development and the understanding of basic cell function and 
are generally divided into two types, static and dynamic studies. 

In static studies a group of cells are exposed to whatever stimulus is being 

15 studied and, after a certain time, the magnitude and nature of the reaction of the group 
of cells to the stimulus eure determined. 

In dynamic studies a single cell or a group of cells is exposed to whatever 
stimulus is being studied and the magnitude and nature of the reaction of the cell or 
group to the stimulus are determined, either continuously or discretely. 

20 Both static and dynamic studies are often performed on a population of cells on 

a macroscopic scale, in cuvettes or well arrays. One disadvantage of studying 
populations of cells is that the results may teach of secondary effects rather than 
primary effects of stimuli: the response of a cell to the response of other cells to a 
stimulus is detected rather than the effect of the stimulus itself. Another disadvantage of 

25 such studies is that the results reflect a distribution of effects on a group of cells. This 
disadvantage is partially overcome by the use of homogenous populations of cells. 
Although the study of homogenous populations of cells is informative, results are not 
necessarily representative of "real-life" effects. Although theoretically possible, the 
required manipulations using available technologies are too difficult and too slow when 

30 applied to the study of individual cells. 

Static and dynamic studies are also performed using flow cytometry. In flow 
cytometry, the response of a cell to a stimulus is measured or detected for a single cells 

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moving through a medium, the cell being discarded subsequently to the measxirement. 
Flow-cytometry allows neither the study of an individual cell over a period of time nor 
the study of the interaction of two or more specifically selected cells. 

Practitioners of flow cytometry realize that many critical questions in cell 
biology, developmental biology, inmiimology, oncology, pharmacology and virology 
cannot be answered using even the most sophisticated flow cytometry techniques. It is 
clear to one skilled in the art that complete understanding of complex biological 
problem requires the dynamic manipulation and study of single cells or of a multiplicity 
of cells studied as individuals in parallel or sequentially. 

There is thus a widely recognized need for, and it would be highly advantageous 
to have, a method to manipulate, isolate and study single, whole, living cells as 


The above needs are met by the present invention which allows isolation and 
manipulation of an individual small object such as a single cell. 

The present invention successfiiUy addresses the shortcomings of the prior art by 
providing a method for moving a small object (such as a cell) from one location to 
another location, thus allowing isolation and manipulation of the small object-^^jpie 
present invention also provides a device for implementing the method of the present 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is provided a method 
of moving an individual small object from an initial location to a destination location 

a. defining a series of N+l locations Lq—Ln, N being an integer greater than 1 
wherein Lq is the initial location and Ln is the destination location; and 

b. for i from 0 to N-1, successively moving the individual small object from a 
location Li to a location Li+i 

wherein moving the small object is effected by applying an attractive force from 
location Lj+i to the individual small object so as to cause the individual small object to 
move from location Li to location Lj+i. 

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According to an embodiment of the present invention, the position and/or 
orientation of location Lj is fixed relative to the position and/or orientation of location 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, to aid in moving the small 
object, a repulsive force is applied to the individual small object from location L,- before, 
during or after application of the attractive force from location Li+i. 

According to a feature of the present invention, either or both an attractive force 
or a repulsive force can be physical, electrical and/or magnetic. 

According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, a repulsive force 
is a result of a flow of fluid from location Li, preferably the flow of fluid being 
generated by injection of a fluid from the vicinity of location Li. 

According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, an attractive 
force is a result of a flow of fluid towards location Lj+i, preferably the flow of fluid 
being generated by suction of a fluid from the vicinity of location Lj+i . 

According to a feature of the present invention, at least one (and preferably all) 
of the locations Lo..,Lisi, includes an enclosure of a size sufficient to substantially 
enclose (partially or completely) the individual small object (and preferably no more 
than one small object at a time). 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is also provided a 
method of moving an individual small object in a fluid from a first location to a second 
location by: 

a. drawing fluid towards the first location so as to produce a first force localizing 
the small object at the first location; and 

b. subsequently drawing fluid towards the second location so as to produce a 
second force localizing the small object at the second location. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, the position and/or 
orientation of the first location is fixed relative to the position and/or orientation of the 
second location. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, the drawing of fluid 
towards the first location and the drawing of fluid towards the second location are 
performed by suction of the fluid by a flow generator. Suitable flow generators include, 
but aiS'not limited to, one or more pumps, and systems that use valves and the like. 

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According to an embodiment of the present invention, before, diiring or after the 
drawing of fluid towards the second location, the magnitude of the first force is reduced 
so as to assist in locaUzing the small object at the second location. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, before, during or after the 
drawing of fluid towards the second location, the first force is eliminated so as to assist 
in localizing the small object at the second location. 

According to an embodiment of the present iavention, before, during or after the 
drawing of fluid towards the second location, fluid is injected from the first location so 
as to produce a repulsive force to assist in localizing the small object at the second 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, the first location and the 
second location include an enclosure of a size sufficient to substantially enclose 
(partially or completely) the individual small object (and preferably no more than one 
small object at a time). In such an embodiment, the drawing of fluids towards the first 
5 location and towards the second location is preferably performed by suction of the 
fluids from within a respective enclosure. 

Depending on the specific embodiment of the present invention, the size of 
individual small objects manipulated according to the teachings of the present invention 
include objects is in the order of equal to or less than about 10^ micron, equal to or less 
than about 10^ micron, equal to less than about 10* micron or equal to less than about 
10^ micron. Such objects include crystals, bacteria, viruses, proteins, polymers, 
macromolecules, ions and atoms, but especially cells. 

In embodiments of the present invention using a fluid, it is preferred that the 
fluid is a liquid, preferably a cell culture medium. 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is also provided a cell 
manipulation device, specifically configured to manipulate individual cells found in a 
liquid such as a cell culture medium. The cell manipulation device according to the 
teachings of the present invention includes: 

a. at least N locations; and 

b. at least two flow generators, each flow generator being fimctionally associated 
with a location; 

wherein N is at least two; 

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who-ein at least two of the flow generators are independently settable to a mode 
selected from the group of modes including a suction mode and an inactive mode; 
and wherein at least two of the independently settable flow generators are each 
associated with a different location. One embodiment of a device of the present 
invention has two locations, each one of the two locations having a functionally 
associated independently settable flow generator. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, the position and/or 
orientation of at least one of the N locations is fixed relative to the position and/or 
orientation of another one of the N locations. According to a preferred embodiment of 
the present invention, all of the at least N locations having a fixed relative position 
and/or orientation relative to the other locations. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, N is at least three and at 
least three of the at least N locations are arranged in a one-dimensional array. By 
one-dimensional array is meant that each one of the N locations is adjacent to no more 
than two other locations. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, N is at least four and at 
least four of the at least four locations are arranged in a two-dimensional array. By 
two-dimensional array is meant that at least one of the N locations is adjacent to more 
than two other locations. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, N is at least five and at 
least five of the at least five locations are arranged in a rectangular lattice array. By 
rectangular lattice array is meant that at least one of the N location is adjacent to four 
other locations. Preferably, substantially all "non-border" locations are adjacent to foxir 
other locations. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, N is at least seven and at 
least seven of the at least seven locations are arranged in a hexagonal lattice array. By 
hexagonal lattice array is meant that at least one of the N location is adjacent to six 
other locations. Preferably, substantially all "non-border" locations are adjacent to six 
other locations. 

According to various embodiments of the present invention, N is at least ten, 19, 
24, 36 and even more. 

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According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least one of the flow 
generators is independently settable to a mode selected from the group of modes 
including a suction mode, an injection mode and an inactive mode. Preferably, 
substantially all of the flow generators are independently settable to a mode selected 
from the group of modes including a suction mode, an injection mode and an inactive 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least one of the N 
locations is associated with at least two flow generators and each one of these at least 
two flow generators is independently settable to a mode selected from the group of 
modes including a suction mode and an inactive mode (and preferably a suction mode, 
an injection mode and an inactive mode). 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least one of the N 
locations is associated with at least three flow generators and each one of these at least 
three flow generators is independently settable to a mode selected from the group of 
modes including a suction mode and an inactive mode (and preferably a suction mode, 
an injection mode and an inactive mode). 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least two of the at least 
N locations are substantially defined by the presence of an inlet of a respective 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least two of the at least 
N locations are substantially depressions in a surface. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least two of the at least 
N locations are substantially open trapping-ends of enclosures. Each such enclosure is 
of a size sufficient to substantially enclose (partially or completely) a cell (and 
preferably no more than one cell). According to a preferred embodiment, within at least 
two of the at least two enclosures emerges an inlet of a respective flow generator. The 
device of the present invention is specifically configured to manipulate cells. 
Accordingly, the size of open trapping ends of enclosures is of a size sufficient to allow 
entry of a cell to be studied, and preferably only one such cell at a time. Accordingly, 
according to embodiments of the present invention, the order of the size of the open 
trapping ends are equal to or less than about 10^ micron, equal to or less than about 10^ 

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micron, equal to or less than about 10^ micron and/or equal to or less than about 10® 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, to allow for efficient 
transfer of cells between one location and another location (in accordance with the 
method of the present invention), at least one location is no more than 1000 micron 
distant from at least one other location, preferably substantially every location being no 
more than 1000 micron distant from at least one other location. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, to allow for efficient 
transfer of cells between one location and another location (in accordance with the 
method of the present invention), at least one location is no more than 100 micron 
distant from at least one other location, preferably substantially every location being no 
more than 100 micron distant from at least one other location. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, to allow for efficient 
transfer of cells between one location and another location (in accordance with the 
method of the present invention), at least one location is no more than 10 micron distant 
from at least one other location,, preferably substantially every location being no more 
than 10 micron distant from at least one other location. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, to allow for efficient 
transfer of cells between one location and another location (in accordance with the 
method of the present invention), at least one location is no more than 1 micron distant 
from at least one other location, preferably substantially every location being no more 
than 1 naicron distant from at least one other location. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least one of the 
locations is configured so as to suspend a cell at distance above itself using a Venturi 
effect, as explained hereinbelow in detail. 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, at least one of the 
locations is provided with a cell wall penetrating tool. According to a feature of the 
present invention, each such cell wall penetrating tool is a member (including but not 
limited to needles, wires and sharpened protuberances) pointing in a direction 
substantially opposite a flow generated by a flow generator fiinctionally associated with 
the location when set to a suction mode. As will be described hereinbelow in detail, 

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when the flow generator is set to a suction mode, a cell is pulled towards and onto the 
cell wall penetrating tool with sufficient force to effect cell wall penetration. 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is also provided a 
method of studying a cell by suspending the cell individually in a liquid by using a 
Venturi effect. . 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is provided a device for 
suspending a cell in a liquid including: a. a substantially hollow body having an open 
trapping-end and a central axis; b. emerging within the hollow body, at least one outlet 
of a flow generator configured to inject liquid into the hollow body and through the 
open trapping-end in a first flow substantially parallel to the central axis of the hollow 
body; and c. emerging within the hollow body, at least one inlet of a flow generator 
configured to draw liquid through the open trapping-end and out of the hollow body in a 
second flow substantially parallel to the central axis of the hollow body; wherein the 
first flow is closer to the central axis than the second flow. Such a cell suspension 
device can be integrated into the cell manipulation device of the present invention, 
where the hollow body defines, in part, a location or enclosure as described 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is also provided a 
method of penetrating a cell wall by: a. immersing, in a liquid, a cell wall penetrating 
tool pointing in a first direction; and b. applying suction from a second direction 
opposite the first direction so as to cause a cell in the liquid to be carried against the cell 
wall penetrating tool where the intensity of the carrying is sufficient to cause a wall of 
the cell to be penetrated. 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is also provided a 
device for penetrating a cell wall including a. a substantially hollow body having an 
open trapping-end; b. emerging within the hollow body, at least one inlet of a flow 
generator configured to draw liquid out of the hollow body in a flow having a first 
direction; and c. a cell wall penetrating tool pointing in a second direction substantially 
opposite the first direction. Such a cell wall penetrating device can be integrated into fee 
cell manipulation device of the present invention, where the hollow body defines, in 
part, a location or enclosure as described hereinabove. 

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According to the teachings of the present invention there is also provided a 
method for selecting cells by: a. providing a group of cells; b. isolating cells from the 
group of cells in an individual enclosure; c, examining each isolated cell; and d. 
selecting isolated cells fulfilling at least one criterion. According to a feature of the 
present invention, the selected cells are separated from the group of cells. 

According to the teachings of the present invention there is also provided a 
method for treating a cell-containing biological fluid by a. providing the cell-containing 
biological fluid; b. identifying cells to be treated in the biological fluid; c. differentiating 
between cells to be treated and other cells; and d. either or both: 

i. physically separating the cells to be treated from the other cells; and / or 

ii. directly manipulating the cells to be treated 
thus treating the biological fluid. 

According to a feature of the present invention, during the identifying, each cell 
is isolated in an individual enclosure. 

Examples of direct manipulation of the cells to be treated includes but is not 
limited to destroying the cells to be treated (e.g,, physically, chemically, irradiation), 
exposing the cells to be treated to a reagent {e.g. internally or externally, chemical 
reagents, biological reagents), exposing the cells to be treated to radiative energy (e.g. 
ultraviolet, infrared, visible light, coherent light, incoherent light, microwaves) and 
penetrating the cell walls of the cells to be treated {e.g. to inoculate the cells or to 
remove a sample from therewithin). 

Examples of treatable biological liquids include but are not limited to lymphatic 
fluids, blood, cerebral spinal fluids, semen, saliva, synovial fluid, bone marrow, 
cochlear fluid, fluid extracted from tumors, ovarian fluid, amniotic fluid and chorionic 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, subsequent to d, the 
biological liquid is directed into a living organism (both human and non-human). 

According to an embodiment of the present invention, providing the biological 
liquid includes a step of taking the biological liquid from a living organism (both himian 
and non-human). 

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According to an embodiment of the present invention, e. subsequently to d, the 
biological liquid is directed into a Uving organism (both human and non-human) and 
providing the biological liquid includes a step of directing the biological liquid to flow 
from the living organism to the individual enclosures. 

Unless otherwise defined, aU technical and scientific terms used herein have the 
same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art. Although 
methods and materials similar or eqiiivalent to those described herein can be used in the 
practice or testing of the present invention, suitable methods and materials are described 
5 below. All publications, patent applications, patents and other references mentioned 
herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety. In case of conflict, the patent 
specification, including definitions, will control. In addition, the materials, methods, 
embodiments and examples are illustrative only and not intended to be limiting. 

Implementation of the method and system of the present invention involves 

10 performing or completing selected tasks or steps manually, automatically, or a 
combination thereof. Moreover, according to actual instrumentation and equipment of 
preferred embodiments of the method and system of the present invention, several 
selected steps could be implemented by hardware or by software on any operating 
system of any firmware or a combination thereof. For example, as hardware, selected 

15 steps of the invention could be implemented as a chip or a circuit. As software, selected 
steps of the invention could be implemented as a multiplicity of software instructions 
being executed by a computer iising any suitable operating system. In any case, selected 
steps of the method and system of the invention could be described as being performed 
by a data processor, such as a computing platform for executing a multiplicity of 

20 instructions. 


The invention is herein described, by way of example only, with reference to the 
accompanying drawings. With specific reference now to the drawings in detail, it is 
25 stressed that the particulars shown are by way of example and for purposes of 
illustrative discussion of the preferred embodiments of the present invention only, and 


wo 2004/077009 



are presented in the cause of providing what is believed to be the most useful and 
readily understood description of the principles and conceptual aspects of the invention. 
In this regard, no attempt is made to show structural details of the invention in more 
detail than is necessary for a fundamental understanding of the invention, the 
5 description taken with the drawings making apparent to those skilled in the art how the 
several forms of the invention may be embodied in practice. 
In the drawings: 

FIGS. 1 A - IC illustrate the method of the present invention for moving a small 
object from one location to a neighboring location using only attractive forces; 
1 0 FIGS. 2 A - 2C illustrate the method of the present invention for moving a small 

object from one location to a neighboring location using attractive and repulsive forces; 

FIG. 3 illustrates the method of the present invention for moving a small object 
from one location to a non-neighboring location by a series of successive transfers to a 
series of neighboring locations; 
15 FIG. 4 is a schematic depiction of a location of the present invention 

implemented with a trapping enclosure; 

FIG. 5 is a schematic depiction of a hexagonal matrix of locations of the present 

FIG. 6A is a schematic depiction of a preferred embodiment of the cell 
20 manipulation device of the present invention; 

FIGS. 6B and 6C are schematic depictions of the tip of a preferred embodiment 
of a probe tip end of a cell manipulation probe of the present invention; 

FIG. 6D is a schematic depiction of an alternative embodiment of a probe tip 
end of a cell manipulation probe; 
25 FIG. 7A is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 

embodiment of a cell manipulation element with a single conduit; 

FIG. 7B is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 
embodiment of a cell manipulation element with a single conduit and a cell stop; 

FIG. 7C is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 
30 embodiment of a cell manipulation element with a single conduit and a bore narrowing; 

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FIG. 7D is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 
embodiment of a cell manipulation element with an axial conduit and one peripheral 

FIG. 7E is a cross section view of a schem'atic depiction of a preferred 
5 embodiment of a cell manipulation element with two peripheral conduits; 

FIG. 7F is a diagram depicting a pump system useful for introducing reagents 
through a cell manipulation element; 

FIG. 7G is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 
embodiment of a cell manipulation element with a cell wall penetrating tool; 
10 FIG. 7H is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 

embodiment of a cell manipulation element with an axial conduit equipped with a cell 
wall penetrating tool; 

FIG. 71 is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 
embodiment of a cell manipulation element with a retractable cell wall penetrating tool; 
15 FIG. 8 A is a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of a cell manipulation 


FIG. 8B is a cross section view of a schematic depiction of a preferred 
embodiment of a cell manipxilation element; 

FIGS. 9A-9C illustrate a method of producing a cell manipulation element from 
20 glass tubes and rods; 

FIGS. lOA-lOC are perspective views of modular cell manipulation elements; 

FIG. lOD is a perspective view of an assembly plate used in conjunction with 
modular cell manipulation elements to make a cell manipulation probe; 

FIGS. 11 A- lie illustrate the transfer of a cell from one cell manipulation 
25 element to a neighboring cell manipulation element; 

FIG. 12 is a schematic depiction of the teachings of the present invention 
applied to the on-line treatment of an organism; 

FIG. 13 A is a perspective view illustrating the transfer of selected cells from a 
cell manipulation probe to a biochip processor; and 
30 FIG. 13B is a perspective view illustrating the transfer of selected cells from a 

biochip processor to a cell manipulation probe. 

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The present invention is of a method and a device that allow the isolation and 
manipulation of individual small objects, such as and especially living cells. With the 
appropriate modifications, some embodiments of present invention allow the 
5 practitioner to isolate, manipulate, observe and study an individual small object such as 
a living- cell. By manipulate is meant to physically move but especially to expose to 
many different and well-defined stimuli, including but not limited to chemical and 
physical stimuli. Using the teachings of the present invention, complex multi-step 
experiments can be reproducibly performed on single individual small objects such as 
10 living cells. 

The principles and operation of a device and method of the present invention 
may be better understood with reference to the drawings and accompanying 

Before explaining at least one embodiment of the invention in detail, it is to be 
15 understood that the device of the present invention is not limited in its application to the 
details of construction and the arrangement of the components set forth in the following 
description or illustrated in the drawings. It is also to be understood that the method 
of the invention is not limited in its application to the details set forth in the following 
description or exemplified by the specific embodiments. The invention is capable of 
20 other embodiments or of being practiced or carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be 
understood that the phraseology and terminology employed herein is for the purpose of 
description and should not be regarded as limiting. 

Method of Moving Small Obiects 
25 A first aspect of the present invention is of a method for moving a small object 

firom a first location to a second location, where preferably the relative position of the 

locations to each other is fixed. 

By small object is meant an object having dimensions in the order of less than 

10^ microns, or even less than 10^ microns, or even less than 10^ microns or even less 
30 than 10^ microns. Such objects include cells but also small particles, crystals, bacteria, 

viruses, proteins, polymers, macromolecules and ions. 

wo 2004/077009 



The simplest embodiment of the method of the present invention, depicted in 
Figures 1, involves: 

a. applying a first attractive force 100 from a first location 102 on a small object 
104, in order to localize small object 104 at first location 102 (Figure 1 A); and* 

5 b. thereafter applying a second attractive force 106 firom a second location 108 

on small object 104 (Figure IB). 

As is clear to one skilled in the art, in such a way small object 104 is transferred 
from first location 102 to second location 108. As is also clear to one skilled in the art, 
the proximity and relative spatial orientation of first location 102 and second location 

10 108 must be selected so as to allow efficient transfer of small object 104. 

To expedite the transfer of small object 104, the intensity of first attractive force 
100 is preferably reduced or eliminated. Reduction or elimination of first attractive 
force 100 occurs before, during or after application of second attractive force 106. In 
some embodiments of the method of the present invention the first attractive force is not 

15 only reduced but also reversed to be a repulsive force. In such a case, the small object is 
sequentially or simultaneously repelled from first location 102 and attracted to second 
location 108, Figures 2. 

The method of the present invention is preferably applied to the moving of some 
small object from some initial location to some destination location by the movement of 

20 the small object through a succession of intemiediate locations until the small object 
arrives at the destination location. Preferably, the position of the locations relative to 
each other is fixed. This process is schematically depicted in Figure 3 for the movement 
of small object 104 from an initial location 110 to a destination location 114 by the 
movement of small object 104 from initial location 110 througji a succession of three 

25 intermediate locations 112a, 112b and 112c until small object 104 arrives at destination 
location 114. The movement of small object 104 between any two locations is 
analogous to the movement between first location 102 and second location 108 as 
depicted in Figures 1 and Figures 2 discussed hereinabove. 

When the method of the present invention is applied to a system where there are 

30 more than two locations then any two locations are related to each other in one of two 
ways: neighboring and not-neighboring. Neighboring locations are those locations 
where to a small object can be directly transferred in one step. Non-neighboring 

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locations are those locations where to a small object can be transferred only via other 
locations. In Figure 3, location 110 and location 112b are neighboring to location 112a. 
However location 110 is not-neigjiboring to location 112b. 

The physical nature of the different locations as well as the nature of the' 

5 respective attractive and, if implemented, repulsive forces depends on the size and . 
nature of the small objects to be manipulated. 

The attractive and repulsive forces can be physical, electrical, magnetic or any 
combination thereof. Electric forces can include those made by charging a surface, but 
can also be of chemical origin such as ionic bonds or hydrogen bonds. Preferably the 

10 attractive and repulsive forces eire implemented by a flow of a physical medium such as 
a gas or a liquid. When an attractive force is generated by the flow of a physical 
medium, then the attractive force associated with a location is generally implemented by 
suction of a fluid through or in the immediate vicinity of that location. When a repulsive 
force is generated by the flow of a physical medium, then the repulsive force associated 

15 with a location is generally implemented by injection of a fluid through or in the 
immediate vicinity of that location. 

As stated above, the physical nature of the locations is determined by the size 
and nature of the small object to be manipulated and the nature of the forces applied to 
manipulate the object. In some embodiments of the present invention, the locations are 

20 simply areas, for example, on a surface, defined by the proxinnity of a respective 
attractive force. In other embodiments, the designated locations are dimples or recesses 
on a surface. 

In preferred embodiments of the present invention, especially suited for the 
manipulation of cells, the locations are trapping enclosures (e.g., chambers or tubes) 

25 configured to substantially physically contain (partially or completely) a small object, 
such as a cell. In such preferred embodiments, schematically depicted in Figure 4 in 
cross section, a trapping enclosure 116 is provided with an open trapping-end 118 
through which a respective attractive or repulsive force is applied and through which a 
manipulated small object 120 enters and exits trapping enclosure 116. It is preferred that 

30 the dimensions of open trapping-end 118 are such that only one small object 120 can 
enter trapping enclosure 116 at one time and that once a first small object 120 enters 
any other small object, e,g, 122, is blocked firom entering trapping enclosure 116. The 

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geometry of open trapping-end 118 is not generally of significance and can be fashioned 
in any shape, for example, square, circular or hexagonal. 

Cells are ordinarily found in a liquid medium. Thus, for embodiments of the 
present invention directed to the manipulation of cells, an attractive force is preferably 
5 implemented using a flow generator 124 operated in a suction mode. Analogously, in 
such embodiments a repulsive force is preferably implemented using a flow generator 
124 operated in an injection mode. The inlet / outlet of flow generator 124 is preferably 
attached to trapping enclosure 116 in a way so that attractive and repulsive forces act 
through open trapping-end 118. hi Figure 4, the inlet / outlet of flow generator 124 is 
10 attached to trapping enclosure 116 through conduit 126 which emerges inside trapping 
enclosure 116. 

By a flow generator is meant a device or other means to generate a flow with a 
desired direction in a fluid. An example of a flow generator is a pump or plurality of 
pumps. In some embodiments a flow generator include valves and the like. 

15 For embodiments of the present invention directed to the manipulation of cells, 

the fluid preferably used is a liquid media, especially a cell culture media. Many 
different cell culture media are known to one skilled in the art. Examples of cell culture 
media that are useful in implementing the teachings of the present invention include but 
are not limited to Dulbecco*s minimal essential medium, Hank's medium and those 

20 listed in U.S. Patent 6,692,961, U.S. Patent 6,689,594, U.S. Patent 6,686,190, U.S. 
Patent 6,673,591, U.S. Patent 6,670,184, U.S. Patent 6,670,180, U.S. Patent 6,667,034, 
U.S. Patent 6,660,501, U.S. Patent 6,649,408, U.S. Patent 6,642,050, U.S. Patent 
6,635,448, U.S. Patent 6,627,426, U.S. Patent 6,610,516, U.S. Patent 6,593,140, U.S. 
Patent 6,589,765, U.S. Patent 6,588,586, U.S. Patent 6,569,422, U.S. Patent 6,555,365, 

25 U.S. Patent 6,544,788, U.S. Patent 6,528,286, U.S. Patent 6,511,430, U.S. Patent 
6,506,598, U.S. Patent 6,492,163, U.S. Patent 6,492,148, U.S. Patent 6,489,144, U.S. 
Patent 6,479,252, U.S. Patent 6,468,788, U.S. Patent 6,465,205, U.S. Patent 6,465,000, 
U.S. Patent 6,455,310, U.S. Patent 6,413,746, U.S. Patent 6,413,744, U.S. Patent 
6,410,309, U.S. Patent 6,403,369, U.S. Patent 6,383,810, U.S. Patent 6,378,527, U.S. 

30 Patent 6,372,494 , U.S. Patent 6,344,354, U.S. Patent 6,342,384, U.S. Patent 6,338,964, 
U.S. Patent 6,333,192 and U.S. Patent 6,329,195. 

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When manipulating a small object according to the present invention it is often 
advantageous to hold the small object at a given location for a desired length of time. 
Holding a small object at a given location can be implemented in many different ways. 
One preferred method of holding a small object at a given location is by the continuous 
application of an associated attractive force. In Figure 4, such a method is implemented 
by continuously activating flow generator 124 in suction mode. The use of such a 
method of holding the small object in place is generally contingent on the presence of a 
"stop", that is a physical impediment to small object 120 being sucked into flow 
generator 124 by the attractive force. In Figure 4 the stop is substantially the small 
dimension, relative to the size of small object 120, of conduit 126. 

Another preferred method of holding a small object at a given location is by 
relying on the nature of the small object and the geometry of the location to prevent 
drifting of the small object away from the location. In Figure 4, such a method is 
implemented by setting flow generator 124 to inactive mode, a mode where neither an 
attractive nor a repulsive force is applied. Due to the small size of open trapping-end 
118 and the lack of currents inside trapping enclosure 116, small object 120 remains 
trapped in the location defined by trapping enclosure 116. 

In one embodiment of the present invention, locations are disposed in a 
one-dimensional array, understood to mean that any location has at most two 
neighboring locations. Examples of one-dimensional arrays include linear arrangements 
of locations, curved arrangements of locations and circular arrangements of locations. 

In another embodiment of the present invention, locations are disposed in a 
two-dimensional array, understood to mean that at least one given location has more 
than two neighboring locations. Two-dimensional arrays include Y-shaped and 
X-shaped arrays. Preferably a two-dimensional array of the present invention is a matrix 
arrangement, that is a regular arrangement of a multiplicity of locations. One preferred 
matrix arrangement of locations is a square lattice, where substantially each non-edge 
location has four neighboring locations. Another preferred matrix arrangement of 
locations is a hexagonal lattice, where substantially each non-edge location has six 
neighboring locations. In Figure 5 a hexagonal matrix of locations 128 is depicted, each 
location 128 having a circular cross section. 

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It is important to note that for the sake of simpUcity, arrays of locations are 
depicted and described herein as being substantially planar, that is, the locations or the 
open trapping-ends of the locations as a group substantially define a plane. This is done 
exclusively for the sake of simplicity of explanation. In some embodiments of the 
5 present invention a matrix of locations implementing the method of the present 
invention may be non-planar. 

Cell Manipulation Device 

For the manipulation of cells the method of the present invention is preferably 
10 implemented using a cell-manipulation device of the present invention, the 
cell-manipulation device including at least two (but preferably a multiplicity) of 
cell-manipulation elements of the present invention, the at least two (or the multiplicity) 
of cell-manipulation elements defining a cell-manipulation probe of the present 

15 A preferred embodiment and the currently known best mode of implementing 

the device of the present invention is described hereinbelow and with reference, inter 
alia, to Figures 6. It is understood that cell-manipulation device 130 depicted in Figures 
6 and described hereinbelow is a particular specific device suitable for manipulating 
cells in a liquid medium, and described herein exclusively for exemplary purposes. 

20 The central component of device 130, a cell-manipulation probe 132 having a 

probe-end 134 and a butt end 136 is depicted in Figure 6A. Surrounding probe-end 134 
is vial 138. Cell manipulation probe 132 is made up of a multiplicity of bundled 
cell-manipulation elements. Functionally associated with each cell-manipulation 
element is one, two, three or even more independently controllable pumps 142. Each 

25 pump 142 is connected to a respective cell-manipulation element through butt end 136 
of cell manipulation probe 132. For clarity, only a limited number of pumps 142 and 
connections to cell-manipulation elements are depicted in Figure 6A. Controlling the 
activation of pumps 142 is central control unit 144^ substantially a programmable 
computer with necessary hardware and software to receive commands from a user input 

30 interface 146, to perform the received commands, for example by performing necessary 
calculations or activating a specific pump 142, and to display information using a user 
output interface 148. Device 130 is also provided with an observation component 150, 

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such as but not limited to a CCD camera equipped with a microscope lens. Observation 
component 150 in Figure 6A is functionally associated with central control unit 144. 
Observation component 150 receives commands from central control unit 144 and 
returns data corresponding to acquired images, especially of cells manipulated at 
5 probe-end 134 of cell manipulation probe 132. Central control unit 144 is configured to 
display data received from observation component 150 and display the data in user 
understandable form through user output interface 148. It is preferred that central 
control unit 144 be configured with image processing capabilities so as to "interpret" 
video data received from observation component 150 and react to the interpreted data. 

10 In Figure 6B, a close-up of probe-end 134 of cell-manipulation probe 132 

without vial 138 is depicted. A multiplicity of hexagonal trapping enclosures 140, each 
being a part of a cell-manipulation element, are depicted with a cell 142 trapped therein. 
Trapping enclosures 140 are arrayed in a matrix 145. A semi-circular isolation inlet 146 
of an isolation element and a semi-circular waste inlet 148 of a waste element are 

15 positioned at the circumference of matrix 145. In the center of matrix 145 is a multi-cell 
reaction enclosure 151 of a multi-cell reaction element. 

In Figure 6C, probe-end 134 of cell manipulation probe 132 with vial 138 is 
depicted close-up. Emerging into vial 138 are sample inlet 152, fluid inlet 154 and vial 
reagent inlet 156. Each such inlet is functionally associated with a respective pump 158, 

20 160 and 162 to allow introduction of samples, fluid or reagents, respectively, onto 
probe-end 134. Pumps 158, 160 and 162 are independently controllable by central 
control unit 144. 

Cell'Manipidation Elements 
25 As stated hereinabove, cell-manipulation probe 132 is substantially made up of a 

multiplicity of individual cell-manipulation elements. There are many variations of 
cell-manipulation elements, some of which are discussed hereinbelow. 

Types of cell-manipulation elements 
30 One simple cell manipulation element preferred in implementing a device of the 

present invention is a dimple on a surface, where at the bottom of the dimple is the inlet 

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of an functionally associated flow generator having two modes: a suction mode (to 
•generate an attractive force) and an inactive mode. When the flow generator is set to 
suction mode, a cell is attracted and held at the associated dimple by the produced 
suction. When the pump is set to inactive mode, the held cell may drift away. If a pump 

5 functionally associated with a neighboring dimple is set to suction mode, the cell drifts 
towards and is held in that neighboring dimple in accordance with the method of the 
present invention. Although such a cell manipulation element is simple to produce and 
operate, and a cell-manipulation probe made of an array of such cell manipulation 
elements effectively implements the method of the present invention, the utility of such 

10 a cell-manipulation probe is limited as it is difficult to expose only selected cells to 
stimuli such as reagents, vide infra. 

For embodiments of the present invention directed to the manipulation of cells, 
it is generally preferred that a cell manipulation element have a trapping enclosure with 
an open trapping end as depicted in Figure 4. The trapping enclosure is configured so as 

15 to substantially physically contain (partially or completely) a cell held therein while the 
open trapping end provides access of cells into and out of the trapping enclosure. In 
such a way a cell in the trapping enclosure is isolated, allowing selective exposure of 
cells to stimuli such as reagents. The inlet / outlet of a flow generator associated with a 
cell manipulation element having a trapping enclosure advantageously emerges within 

20 the trapping enclosure. In some embodiments such a flow generator has only two 
modes: a suction mode and an inactive mode. In a preferred embodiment, such a 
trapping enclosure is configured or shaped so that when the flow generator applies no 
force {e.g. is set to inactive mode), a held cell is retained within the trapping enclosure. 
When the trapping enclosure is so configures, an associated flow generator preferably 

25 has at least three modes: a suction mode (to generate an attractive force), an injection 
mode (to generate a repulsive force) and an inactive mode. When the flow generator is 
set to suction mode, fluid is drawn firom a trapping enclosure through a respective 
conduit generating an attractive force to pull a nearby cell into the trapping enclosure. 
When the flow generator is set to inactive mode, a held cell remains within the trapping 

30 enclosure. When the flow generator is set to injection mode, fluid is injected into a 
trapping enclosure through a respective conduit generating a repulsive force to eject a 
held cell firom the trapping enclosure. 

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It is generally preferred that a trapping enclosure and an open trapping end of a 
cell manipulation element have dimensions close to those of the cell to be held and 
manipulated. As is known to one skilled in the art, cells of various sizes exist. Plant 
cells are typically large, having a diameter of between 10^ to 10^ microns. Animal cells 
5 typically have a diameter of between 10*^ to 10^ microns. Bacteria are typically small, 
having a diameter of between 10'^ to 10'^ microns. It is therefore preferred that the 
dimensions of the open trapping-ends of the trapping enclosure be determined by the 
size of cells that are to be studied with a specific device of the present invention. 

10 Cell manipulation elements associated with a single conduit pump 

A simple cell manipulation element 164 implementing a trapping enclosure is 
schematically depicted in Figure 7A. Cell manipulation element 164 is substantially a 
tube 166 functionally associated with a conduit pump (not depicted), the conduit pump 
operable in a suction mode, an injection mode and an inactive mode. In 

15 cell-manipulation element 164 the end of tube 166 serves as an open trapping-end 170 
and the bore of tube 166 serves as a trapping enclosure 140. The bore of tube 166 also 
serves as a conduit 174 for transporting fluid from the functionally associated conduit 
pump to attract and repel a cell in accordance with the teachings of the present 

20 It is often preferred that a cell manipulation element have a cell stop, a physical 

obstruction limiting the extent of penetration of a cell inside a cell manipulation 
element. Depending on the specific embodiment, a cell stop is a narrowing, a protrusion 
or other physical structural feature that limits the distance into an functionally 
associated trapping enclosure that a cell can be drawn, 

25 A preferred cell manipulation element 176 integrating a cell stop is depicted in 

Figure 7B. Cell manipulation element 176 is similar to cell manipulation element 164 
except that cell manipulation element 176 is also provided with a cell stop 178. Cell 
stop 178 obstructs the bore of tube 166 so that a cell entering through open trapping-end 
170 penetrates until making contact with cell stop 178. Trapping enclosure 140 of cell 

30 manipulation element 176 is defined by the inside surface of tube 166 and cell stop 178. 
The volume between cell stop 178 and tube 166 serves as a single conduit 174 for 
transporting fluid from a functionally associated conduit pump to attract and repel a cell 

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in accordance with the teachings of the present invention. It is inniportant to note that in 
some embodiments conduit 174 has an annular cross section. In other embodiments 
conduit 174 is made of a multipHcity of individual fluid paths peripherally arrayed 
about cell stop 178. In such an embodiment, all the individual fluid paths preferably 

5 transport fluid from a single conduit pump. 

An additional cell manipulation element 180 integrating a cell stop is depicted in 
Figure 7C. In cell manipulation element 180 the function of a cell stop is performed by 
a narrowing 181 of the bore of tube 166 to an extent that a cell entering through open 
trapping-end 170 cannot penetrate beyond naixowing 181. Thus, trapping enclosure 140 

10 of cell manipulation element 180 is defined by the inside surface of tube 166 and 
narrowing 181 in the bore of tube 166. As in cell manipulation element 164, the bore of 
tube 166 serves as a conduit 174 for fluid from a ftmctionally associated conduit pump. 

Cell manipulation elements 164, 176 and 180 are all operated in a substantially 
similar way. Central control unit 144 sets a functionally associated conduit pump to 

15 suction mode, producing an attractive force through conduit 174 to attract cells in the 
vicinity of an open trapping-end 170 to enter cell manipulation element 164, 176 or 180 
through an open trapping-end 170 and to be trapped in a trapping enclosure 140. When 
cell manipulation element 164 is ixsed, central control unit 144 sets a functionally 
associated conduit pump to inactive mode when a cell enters open trapping-end 170 to 

20 prevent penetration of the cell too far into the bore of tube 166 and consequent loss of 
the cell. It is thus generally preferred to use a cell manipulation element such as 164 
under observation of an observation component 150. In contrast, a cell entering open 
trapping-end 170 of a cell manipulation element 176 or 180 makes contact with a 
functionally associated cell stop 178 or narrowing 181, respectively, and thus remains 

25 held in trapping enclosure 140. 

When it is desired to eject a cell from a trapping enclosure 140 of a cell 
manipulation element 164, 176 or 180, central control unit 144 sets a respective 
functionally associated conduit pump to injection mode. Fluid is forced through conduit 
174 pushing a held cell outwards from trapping enclosure 140 through open trapping 

30 end 170. 

Cell manipulation elements functionally associated with multiple conduit pumps 

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To increase the flexibility of the types of cell manipulations that can be 
performed using a device of the present invention, it is often advantageous to use a cell 
manipulation element having more than one conduit and functionally associated with 
more than one independently controllable conduit pump. 
5 Cell manipulation element 182, depicted in Figure 7D, has more than one 

conduit and is functionally associated with more than one independently controllable 
conduit pump. Cell manipulation element 182 is related to cell manipulation element 
176 in that a trapping enclosure 140 is defined by the inside surface of a tube 166 and 
by a cell stop 184. Further, the volume between tube 166 and cell stop 184 serves as a 
10 first peripheral conduit 174 for fluid firom a functionally associated first conduit pump. 
Cell manipulation element 182 is characterized, however, in that cell stop 184 is 
substantially a hollow tube. The bore of cell stop 184 serves as a second axial fluid 
conduit 186 transporting fluid from an independently controlled and activated second 
conduit pump. 

15 An additional preferred cell manipulation element functionally associated with 

more than one independently controllable conduit pump is 188 depicted in Figure 7E. 
Cell manipulation element 188 is related to cell manipulation element 176 in that a 
trapping enclosure 140 is defined by the inside surface of a tube 166 and by a cell stop 
178. However, in cell manipulation element 178, the volume between tube 166 and cell 

20 stop 178 does not have an annular cross section but is rather made up of at least two 
distinct conduits found at the periphery of tube 106, a first peripheral conduit 174 and a 
second peripheral conduit 186. First peripheral conduit 174 is functionally associated 
with a first conduit pump. Second peripheral conduit 186 is functionally associated with 
an independently controlable second conduit pump. 

25 It is important to note that variants of cell manipulation element 188 are 

provided with more than two (e.g. three, four, five, six or even more) conduits 
(especially peripheral conduits) each such conduit associated with an individually 
controllable conduit pximp. 

For loading a cell into a cell manipulation element fimctionally associated with 

30 two independently controllable pumps, a fimctionally associated first conduit pump and 
/ or second conduit pump are set to suction mode by central control unit 144. If only one 
associated conduit pump is used, the other associated conduit pump is set to inactive 

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mode. Analogously, ejection of a cell from trapping enclosure 140 of cell manipulation 
element 182 is performed when a functionally associated first conduit pump and / or 
second conduit pump are set to injection mode by central control unit 144. If only one 
associated conduit pump is used, the other associated conduit pump is set to inactive 
5 mode. 

A useful function that can be implemented using a cell manipulation element 
functionally associated with two or more independently controllable conduit pumps is 
washing of a cell held in a respective trapping enclosure 140. For a cell manipulation 
element 188, central control unit 144 sets one functionally associated conduit pump to 

10 suction mode and the other functionally associated conduit pump to injection mode. 
Liquid flows from one conduit to another, thus washing a cell held in trapping enclosure 
140. For a cell manipulation element 182, central control unit 144 sets a first conduit 
pump functionally associated with peripheral conduit 174 to injection mode and sets a 
second conduit pump functionally associated with axial conduit 186 to suction mode. 

15 Liquid flows from one conduit to the other, thus washing a cell held in trapping 
enclosure 140. 

A useful function that can be performed using cell manipulation element 182 is 
suspending a cell held in trapping enclosure 140 at a distance from open trapping-end 
170. To perform the suspension function, central control \mit 144 sets the conduit pump 

20 functionally associated with axial conduit 186 to injection mode while setting the 
conduit pump functionally associated with peripheral conduit 174 to suction mode. The 
resulting Ventxiri effect suspends a cell originally trapped in trapping enclosure 140 
above open trapping-end 170. The suspension function allows a cell to be temporarily 
removed from trapping enclosure 140 to allow clear, unimpeded examination of the cell 

25 from many directions, a challenging task when a cell is contained within trapping 
enclosure 140. The suspension function as described hereinabove may be generally 
performed with a properly configured cell manipulation element having at least one 
axial conduit and at least one peripheral conduit. If there is only one peripheral conduit, 
that peripheral conduit is preferably substantially annular. If there is more than one 

30 peripheral conduit, the peripheral conduits are preferably arrayed symmetrically about 
the axial conduit. 

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An additional useful function that can be implemented using a cell manipulation 
element functionally associated with two or more independently controllable conduit 
pumps, such as 182 or 188, is selective exposure of a cell held in trapping enclosure 140 
to a reagent. The function of selectively exposing a cell to a reagent will be discussed 
S herein with reference to a cell manipulation element 188. In one embodiment, exposure 
is performed by providing one of the two conduit pumps functionally associated with 
cell manipulation element 188 with a reagent. When it is desired to selectively expose a 
cell to the reagent, a process analogous to washing a cell as described above is foUowed. 
The associated conduit pump provided with reagent is set to injection mode bringing 

10 reagent into trapping enclosure 140 and thus to contact a cell held therein. In parallel the 
second associated conduit pump is set to suction mode, drawing away reagent and 
preventing leakage of reagent out through a open trapping-end 170. A disadvantage of 
such an implementation is that a conduit pump provided with reagent cannot be used for 
performing other functions. 

15 Selective exposure of a cell can also be achieved in a cell manipulation element 

provided with three conduits each functionally associated with an independently 
controllable conduit pump, where one conduit is dedicated to providing reagent and the 
other two conduits only for performing other functions. 

In a preferred embodiment for implementing selective exposure of cells to a 

20 reagent, a cell manipulation element is functionally associated with three pumps as 
depicted in Figure 7F. In Figure 7F is depicted a cell manipulation element 188 where 
conduit 174 is functionally associated with a first conduit pump 190 and conduit 186 is 
functionally associated with a second conduit pump 192. On the fluid-line cormecting 
conduit 174 with first conduit pump 190 is reagent injection pump 194. Similarly, to the 

25 cell washing function discussed hereinabove, when it is desired to expose a cell to a 
reagent, central control unit 144 sets first conduit pump 190 to injection mode and 
second conduit pump 192 to suction mode. Further, central control unit 144 sets reagent 
injection pump 194 to injection mode, causing reagent fi-om a container 196 to enter the 
flow of first conduit pump 190 towards conduit 174. The reagent is transported througji 

30 conduit 174, exposing a cell held in trapping enclosure 140 to the reagent Reagent is 
then pumped away through conduit 186 by the action of second conduit pump 192, 

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drawing away reagent and preventing leakage of reagent out through a open 
trapping-end 170. 

Cell manipulation elements having a tool for penetrating a cell wall 
5 .It is often advantageous to be able to introduce one or more reagents directly 

into a cell or to extract a sample from inside a cell. To this end, in a preferred 
embodiment of the present invention, a cell manipulation element is provided with a 
tool configured to penetrate a cell wall. Such a tool is, for example, a pointed solid 
object, for example from glass or metal. Preferably, such a tool is disposed inside the 

10 trapping enclosure of the cell manipulation element in such a way that when an 
attractive force according to the present invention is applied, the cell is pulled against 
the tool and the cell wall consequendy penetrated. 

In Figure 7G a cell manipulation element 198 analogous to cell manipulation 
element 188 is depicted, having a cell wall penetrating tool 200. Cell wall penetrating 

15 tool 200 is a stainless steel wire inside cell stop 178. To penetrate the wall of a cell, the 
cell is brought into trapping enclosure 140. Conduit pumps functionally associated with 
conduits 174 and 186 are set to suction mode. The resulting attractive force pulls the 
cell onto cell wall penetrating tool 200, thus penetrating the cell wall. Post-penetrating 
cell release is accomplished by setting the fiinctionally associated conduit pumps to 

20 injection mode so that the resulting liquid flow through conduits 174 and 186 pushes the 
penetrated cell off of cell wall penetrating tool 200. 

Advantageous is that once a cell wall is penetrated, a reagent is injected into the 
penetrated cell or the contents of the penetrated cell are sampled. In a preferred 
embodiment that a cell wall penetrating tool has a conduit functionally associated with 

25 an independently controllable pimip for injecting reagents or sampling cell contents 
through the conduit. 

In Figure 7H a cell manipulation element 202 analogous to cell manipulation 
element 182 is depicted, having a cell wall penetrating tool 204. Cell wall penetrating 
tool 204 is substantially a sharpened tip of hollow cell stop 184. To penetrate the wall of 
30 a cell, the cell is brought into trapping enclosure 140. The conduit pumps functionally 
associated with peripheral conduit 174 are set to suction mode so that the resulting 
Hquid flow pulls the cell onto cell wall penetrating tool 204, penetrating tihe cell wall. If 

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it is desired to extract a sample from inside the cell, the conduit pump functionally 
associated with axial conduit 186 is set to suction mode. If it is desired to inject a 
reagent into the cell, the conduit pump functionally associated with axial conduit 186 is 
set to injection niode. As described for cell manipulation element 198, post-penetrating 
cell release is accomplished by setting conduit pumps functionally associated with 
peripheral conduit 174 to injection mode so that the resulting liquid flow pushes the 
penetrated cell off from cell wall penetrating tool 204. 

An alternative method for releasing a penetrated cell from a cell wall penetrating 
tool is by providing a cell manipulation element 206 with a retractable cell wall 
penetrating tool 208 as depicted in Figure 71. Cell manipulation element 206 is similar 
to cell manipulation element 182 excepting that a cell wall penetrating tool 208, a 
stainless steel wire, is threaded through bore I86.T0 penetrate the wall of a cell, the cell 
is brought into trapping enclosure 140. Pumps functionally associated with conduits 174 
and 186 are set to suction mode. The resulting attractive force pulls the cell onto cell 
wall penetrating tool 208, thus penetrating the cell wall. Post-penetrating cell release is 
accomplished by pulling cell wall penetrating tool 208 outwards from the penetrated 
cell through bore 186. 

Multi-cell reaction element 

A multi-cell reaction element, of which only a multi-cell reaction enclosure 150 
is depicted in Figure 6B, is a substantially a cell-manipulation element having an open 
trapping-end and a multi-cell reaction enclosure 150 both large enough to accommodate 
at least two cells rather than only one cell like a standard cell-manipulation element as 
described hereinabove. A multi-cell reaction element can be substantially of any of the 
types of elements discussed hereinabove (especially as related to the number and 
arrangement of conduits) and is functionally associated with at least one independently 
controllable conduit pump. 

A multi-cell reaction element provides a venue to isolate two or more cells in 
one place to enable interaction of the two or more cells. Operation of a multi-cell 
reaction element is analogous to the operation of cell manipulation elements as 
described above. As depicted in Figure 6B, at least two cells 142, each isolated in a 
separate trapping enclosure 140 are moved according to the method of the present 

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invention to trapping enclosures 140 neighboring mnlti-cell reaction enclosure 150. The 
at least two cells 142 are expelled from respective trapping enclosures 140 while a 
conduit pump functionally associated with the multi-cell reaction element is set to 
suction mode. The resulting forces draw the expelled cells into multi-cell reaction 
5 enclosure 150. Inside multi-cell reaction enclosure 150 the at least two cells 142 
interact. If desired, reagents are added as described hereinabove and hereinbelow. When 
the cell interaction is completed the at least two cells 142 are expelled from multi-cell 
reaction enclosure 150. The at least two cells 142 can be discarded or reisolated in 
trapping enclosures 140 in the usual way. 
10 Importantly, in a preferred embodiment a cell manipulation probe of the present 

invention is provided with more than one multi-cell reaction element. 

Sample introduction element 

In Figure 6D, in the center of matrix 145 emerges the outlet of sample 
15 introduction element 163. Sample introduction element is substantially a tube 
functionally associated with an inlet pump (not depicted). Samples containing cells that 
are to be manipulated using the device of the present invention are introduced through 
sample introduction element 163. 

20 Isolation element 

An isolation element, of which only a substantially semi-circular isolation inlet 
146 is depicted in Figure 6B, is substantially a multi-cell reaction element with 
significant structural differences arising from the different uses for which these two 
elements are intended. An isolation element is primarily intended to provide a location 

25 where a user of a device of the present invention concentrates a relatively large number 
of cells without necessarily intending to later manipulate the cells as individuals. For 
example, certain cells can be sorted from a large group of cells, and only the certain 
cells are selected and transferred to an isolation enclosure of the isolation element From 
the isolation enclosure the certain cells are removed, either in accordance with the 

30 method of the present invention or in some other manner. Therefore, an isolation 
enclosure that is part of an isolation element is generally large enough to accommodate 
a relatively large volume of fluid and many cells. At a minimvim, isolation element is 

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functionally associated with an isolation pump configured to operate in a suction mode. 
When the isolation pump is operated, cells are drawn into the isolation enclosure of the 
isolation element. In some embodiments, an isolation element is functionally associated 
with an isolation pump configured to operate also in an injection mode. When the 
5 isolation pump is operated in injection mode, cells trapped in the isolation enclosure are 
expelled back to the vicinity of probe tip 134. Preferably, the isolation enclosure of an 
isolation element is provided with a diaphragm or other valve-like structural feature. A 
user can, using a needle-equipped syringe (or other appropriate device), draw out cells 
and fluids isolated in the isolation enclosure. 
10 hnportantly, in a preferred embodiment a cell manipulation probe of the present 

invention is provided with more than one isolation element. 

Waste element 

A waste element, of which only a substantially semi-circular waste inlet 148 is 
1 5 depicted in Figure 6B, is substantially a tubular element functionally associated with a 
waste pump operable in suction mode. The function of waste element is to remove 
undesired or not needed substances from the proximity of probe-end 134 of 
cell-manipulation probe 132, and especially firom matrix 145. When a fiinctionally 
associated waste pump is activated, cells, fluid, cell debris and the like are drawn 
20 through waste inlet 148 of the waste element and discarded. 

Cell-Manipulation Probe 

A cell-manipulation probe of the present invention is composed of at least two 
but preferably a multiplicity of individual cell-manipulation elements as described 

25 above. The cell-manipulation elements are arranged so that the open trapping-ends of 
the cell-manipulation- elements are in functional proximity of each other, that is at a 
distance and orientation so that cells can be transferred jfrom a first cell-manipulation 
element to a neighboring cell-manipulation element according to the method of the 
present invention. Preferably but not necessarily a cell-manipulation probe is also 

30 provided with a sample introduction element, waste element, an isolation element 
and/or a multi-cell reaction element. 

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In some embodiments, a cell-manipulation probe may be homogenous, that is 
that all the component cell-manipulation elements are substantially the same. In other 
embodiments, a cell-manipulation probe is heterogeneous, that is the cell-manipulation 
probe includes a variety of different cell-mandpulation elements. Differences between 
5 the cell-manipulation elements making up a heterogeneous cell manipulation probe 
potentially include the geometry of the trapping enclosures (especially size of the 
trapping enclosure or size of the open trapping-ends), the number of conduits and the 
arrangements of conduits. A cell-manipulation probe potentially includes some or all of 
the types of cell manipulation elements discussed hereinabove, but potentially types of 

10 cell-manipulation elements not discussed herein but may arise are also included. The 
utility of a heterogeneous cell-manipulation probe is discussed hereinbelow. 

In a preferred embodiment, a cell manipulation probe is a bundle of cell 
manipulation elements. In Figure 8A a cell manipulation probe 132 is depicted. In 
Figure 8B a component cell manipulation element 210 similar to cell manipulation 

1 5 element 176 is depicted in cross section. As seen in Figure 6A and in Figure 8A a cell 
manipulation probe 132 has a probe-end 134 and a butt end 136. As depicted in Figure 
8A, generally speaking, at butt end 136 of cell manipulation probe 132 the ends of the 
individual cell manipulation elements 210 are relatively large (~10^ microns, 1000 to 
2000 microns) so as to allow simple maintenance and attachment of conduits and cell 

20 manipulation elements to functionally associated pimips and tlie like. Generally 
speaking, at probe-end 134 of cell manipulation probe 132 the ends of individual cell 
manipulation elements 210 make up a matrix 145 of respective open trapping-ends 140 
and have dimensions determined by the uses and size of cells to be manipulated, which 
are generally significantly smaller in the micron scale. Figure 6B. For example, the size 

25 of open trapping ends for the manipulation of cells is in the order of between 10'* to 10^ 
microns,. Therefore a typical cell-manipulation element 210 and a typical cell 
manipulation probe 132 are both of a gradually decreasing dimension from butt-end 136 
towards probe-end 134, as depicted in Figures 8. 

30 Observation component 

Although the device of the present invention can be used to manipulate cells 
without actually obser\'ing any individual cell manipulated, it is generally preferable to 

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observe the cells. Observation is useful, for example, for selecting cells for 
manipulation, for morphological study, for direct observation of biological processes 
and to confimi that desired manipulations are performed as desired. It is therefore 
preferable that a device 130 of the present invention be functionally provided with an 

5 observation component 150, as depicted in Figure 6A. 

Many different types of observation components can be usefully coupled to a 
device of the present invention, but preferably an observation component is an optical 
inspection device. Optical inspection devices such as optical or CCD microscopes 
having a magnification appropriate for viewing living cells in sizes in the order of 10"' 

10 microns are known and are commercially available. 

As is known to one skilled in the art, an optical or CCD microscope is most 
effective for the morphological and morphometric characterization of a studied object. 
It is therefore advantageous to provide a device of the present invention, such as device 
130, with an observation component suited for the detection of fluorescence. It is known 

15 to one skilled in the art that the measurement of vital fluorescence parameters 
(fluorescence intensity, polarization, energy transfer) provides important information 
about a living cell. 

Central Control Unit 

20 To allow performance of complex experiments it is preferred that a device of the 

present invention such as 130 be provided with a central control unit 144 as depicted in 
Figure 6A. A typical central control unit such as 144 receives commands from a user 
through a user input interface 146 and activates pumps 142, observation component 150 
and other components as necessary. As is clear to one skilled in the art, a central control 

25 unit 144 can advantageously be implemented using a programmable computer. 

As is discussed herein, central control unit 144 is also used to determine the 
exact sequence of activation of pxraips 142 and other components of a device 130 of the 
present invention to trap, move, observe and otherwise manipulate cells using a 
cell-manipulation probe 132. 

30 In a preferred embodiment, a central control unit 144 is used also to store a 

record of the experiments and conditions to which each cell was exposed, vide infra. 

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Although identification, examination and detennination of various states of a 
cell can be performed by a human operator looking at video output produced by an 
observation component of a device of the present invention, it is preferred that some or 
all of these functions be performed by a central control unit. Automated image analysis 
5 useful in identifying locations of cells and various morphologies is well-known and can 
be implemented in the context of a device of the present invention using a central 
control unit by one skilled in the art of image analysis. 

Many other functions required from or possible with a central control unit are 
known or obvious and will not be listed or discussed herein. 


Construction of a cell manipulation device 

There are many technologies available allowing one skilled in the art to 
construct a cell manipulation probe of the present invention. 

One preferred method for the construction of a cell-manipulation probe of the 

15 present invention is free-form manufacturing (FFM) using ceramic powders. As is 
known to one skilled in the art, in jfree-form manufacturing a part, such as a 
cell-manipulation probe, is built "from the ground up" by sequentially dispensing layers 
of ceramic powder one on top of the othCT, see for example, U.S. 6,376,148; U.S. 
6,238,614; U.S. 6,228,437; U.S. 6,066,285; U.S. 6,117,612; U.S. 6,046,426; U.S. 

20 5,059,266; U.S. 5,204,055 or U.S. 6,206,672. A review of the state of the art of FFM 
can be found in U.S. 6,376,148, which is incorporated herein by reference for all 
purposes as if fully set forth herein. It is important to note that when a ceramic powder 
is used it is generally preferable to use a ceramic powder with as small a diameter as 
possible, for example 10 nanometer diameter ceramic powders. Since the use of 

25 jfree-form manufacture methods to construct a complex structure such as a 
cell-manipulation probe of the present invention is known to one skilled in the art, this 
is not further discussed herein. 

A cell manipulation probe, such as cell manipulation probe 132 can be 
purchased from commercial suppliers, for example from TEGS Ltd. (Saratov, Russia). 

30 A preferred method for the construction of a cell-manipulation probe, such as 

cell manipulation probe 132, is through the bundling of a multiplicity of glass tubes and 
rods. Generally speaking, the preferred method involves three steps. In a first step, glass 

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rods and tubes are bundled together in an appropriate way to assemble an incipient 
cell-manipulation element or, preferably, an incipient cell-manipulation probe. The 
diameter of the tubes and rods is chosen so that subsequent attachment of pumps and the 
like to the butt end of the cell-manipulation probe is simple. In a second step, glass rods 
5 are fused together. In a third step, one end of the bxmdle of glass rods and tubes is. drawn 
in the usual manner known to one skilled in the art of glass-working so as to form the 
probe-end of the cell manipulation probe. In such a way, the size of the probe-end of the 
cell-manipulation probe is reduced without blocking channels and conduits, producing a 
cell-manipulation probe as depicted in Figure 8A. 

10 The method of use of glass tubes and rods in constructing an individual 

cell-manipulation element is described in further detail with reference to Figures 9. 
Extension of the method of arranging glass tubes and rods to the construction of a 
cell-manipulation probe involves the construction of a multiplicity of cell-manipulation 
elements and is clear to one skilled in the art upon study of the disclosure herein. 

1 5 Figure 9 A is a top view of a bundle of seven glass rods 212a, 212b, 212c, 212d, 

212e, 212f and 212g used in the assembly of a cell manipulation element whereas 
Figure 9B is a vertical cross section of the bundle through the plane A-A. The bundle of 
seven glass rods 212 can be considered to be an incipient cell-manipulation element 
213. It is seen in Figure 9B that the end of central glass rod, 212g is lower than the end 

20 of glass rods 212e and 212c. In fact, the ends of all six glass rods 212a througli 212f are 
at the same height. The volume in incipient cell manipulation element 213 defined by 
the sides of glass rods 212a through 212f and the top end of recessed glass rod 212g 
corresponds to the trapping enclosiire of the ultimately fashioned cell manipulation 
element. The top end of recessed glass rod 212g corresponds to the cell stop of the 

25 ultimately fashioned cell-manipulation element. The interstitial volumes between seven 
glass rods 212 correspond to six fluid passages that become the conduit or conduits in 
the ultimately fashioned cell-manipulation element. 

The use of seven glass rods 212 as depicted in Figures 9A and 9B and as 
described hereinabove allows the construction of a cell-manipulation element such as 

30 176 of Figure 7B, 188 of Figure 7E, 198 of 7G and 206 of 71, although for the 
construction of cell manipulation elements such as 198, a glass rod having a stainless 
steel wire through the central axis may replace glass rod 212g. It is important to note 

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that generally the differentiation between a single conduit cell-maniptilation element 
such as 176 and a multiple conduit cell-manipulation element such as 188, 198 or 206 is 
not necessarily apparent in the incipient cell-manipulation element 213. Rather, after the 
incipient cell-manipulation element (or incipient cell-manipulation probe) is drawn, the 

5 exact nature of the ultimately fashioned cell-manipulation element is determined by 
how functionally associated conduit pumps are attached to the passages. If all six 
passages are connected to a single conduit pump, then a cell-manipulation element 
having one conduit such as 188 is formed. If two adjacent liquid passages are connected 
to one conduit pump, whereas the opposing pair of liquid passages is connected to a 

10 second conduit pump then a cell manipulation element having two peripheral conduits 
such as 188, 198 or 206 is formed. 

In Figure 9C a method of construction for a cell manipulation elements such as 
182 of Figure 7D, 202 of 7H or 206 of 71 is depicted. Analogously to the method 
described immediately hereinabove and depicted in Figure 9A and Figure 9B, six glass 

15 rods 212a, 212b, 212c, 212d, 212e and 212f are arrayed about a glass tube 214. Since 
the end of glass tube 214 is lower than the ends of glass rods 212, the volume defined 
by the sides of glass rods 212a through 212f and the top end of recessed glass tube 214 
corresponds to the trapping enclosure of the ultimately fashioned cell manipulation 
element. The top end of recessed glass tube 214 corresponds to the cell stop of the 

20 ultimately fashioned cell-manipulation element. The interstitial volumes between six 
glass rods 212 and recessed glass tube 214 correspond to six passages that potentially 
become conduits in the ultimately fashioned cell-manipulation element. The hollow 
bore of recessed glass tube 214 corresponds to the axial conduit in the ultimately 
fashioned cell-manipulation element. To fashion a cell wall penetrating tool 204 of a 

25 cell manipulation element 202, the end of recessed glass tube 214 is sharpened. 

It is clear to one skilled in the art upon studying the description herein, that in 
order to fashion an incipient cell-manipulation probe instead of an incipient cell 
manipulation probe, more than seven glass rods and tubes are bundled together. It is 
also clear to one skilled in the art upon reading the description herein that other types of 

30 cell manipulating elements or other elements for constructing a cell manipulating probe 
such as a waste element or an isolation element can be produced in an analogous 
fashion to that described hereinabove. 

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As stated above, once chosen the glass rods and tubes making up an incipient 
cell-manipulation element or incipient cell manipulation probe are bundled together in 
an appropriate fashion, the rods and tubes are fused together. Thereafter, the appropriate 
end of the incipient cell-manipulation element or incipient cell manipulation probe is 
drawn out into the shape depicted in Figure 8A to make a cell manipulation element or 
cell manipulation probe, respectively. 

In an alternative embodiment, modular cell manipulation elements are made and 
assembled to make a cell manipulation probe. In Figures 10 are depicted examples of 
modular cell manipulation elements. 

In Figure lOA is depicted one embodiment of a simple modular cell 
manipulation element 216 with two conduits, 218 and 220. The horizontal cross-section 
of cell manipulation element 216 is substantially square. It is important to note that 
other embodiments of similar cell manipulation elements potentially have non-square 
cross-sections. Conduits 218 and 220 function analogously to conduits described 
hereinabove. Illustrative but non-limiting dimension of cell manipulation element 216 
are a height of 1000 micron, a width of 20 micron and a depth of 20 micron. The top of 
cell manipulation element 216 is recessed, creating a well-like enclosure, 222 serving as 
a dimple or trapping enclosure as described hereinabove. An illustrative but 
non-limiting depth of well-like enclosure 222 is 10 micron. Other types of elements, 
especially cell manipulation elements, can be conceived for use together with modular 
cell manipulation elements such as 216. Examples of such other types of elements 
include a modular cell manipulation element 224 with three conduits 218, 220, and 226, 
depicted in Figure lOB and a modular cell manipulation element 228 with two conduits 
218 and 220 and a cell wall penetrating tool 230, depicted in Figure IOC. 

Assembly of a cell manipulation probe jfrom modular cell manipulation elements 
such as 216, 224 and 228 is done by providing an assembly plate 232, depicted in 
Figure lOD. Assembly plate 232 is a monolithic structure having a multiplicity of pin 
connector triplets 234, which fit into the bottom openings of conduits 218, 220 and 226 
or a conduit of cell wall piecing tool 230 of modular cell manipulation elements 216, 
224 and 228. At the bottom of assembly plate 224, each pin connector 226 is connected 
to fluid lines (not depicted), which connect to functionally associated conduit pumps 
(not depicted). Thus a multiplicity of modular cell manipulation elements 216 can be 

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disposed in exact juxtaposition on assembly plate 224, thus providing functionally 
associated conduit pumps to cause fluid to flow through conduits 218 and 220. 

The various components necessary for implementing a cell manipulation probe 
using modular cell manipulation elements, including modular cell manipulation 
5 elements can be purchased from commercial suppliers, for example from TEGS Ltd. 
(Saratov, Russia). 

Once a cell-manipulation probe is constructed, the assembly of a device of the 
present invention from commercially available conlponents is well within the ability of 
one skilled in the art upon study of the description herein. 
10 Suitable computers, software and related peripheral equipment for implementing 

a central control unit are available from International Business Machines Corporation 
(Armonk, New York, USA). Any required unique or dedicated software can be written 
by one skilled in the art of computer programming. 

Suitable CCD microscopes for implementation of an observation component are 
15 available, for example, from Hirox Co Ltd. (Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan). 

Flow-generators and peripheral equipment suitable for implementing the present 
invention are available from, for example, GeSIM (Grosserkmannsdorf, Germany) or 
Fluidigm Corporation (San Francisco, California, USA). 

20 Steps used in building experiments 

A device such as 130 depicted in Figures 6 designed for manipulating individual 
cells found in a liquid medium (especially a cell culture medium) and allows 
performance of many novel and useful experiments. Experiments are done by 
perfoming a series of one or more steps (also traned manipulations or functions). A few 

25 standard steps that are useful building blocks for various experiments are described in 
djstail hereinbelow with reference to device 130 as depicted in Figures 6 and especially 
with reference to Figure 6B. Unless otherwise stated, for the examples below it is 
assumed that all cell manipulation elements are similar to cell manipulation element 182 
depicted in Figure 7D with a reagent inlet system such as depicted in Figure 7F, 

30 Useful steps, manipulations and functions include loading and isolating of a cell 

in a trapping enclosure, washing a cell, suspending a cell for observation, penetrating a 
cell wall {e.g, for remo\ang a sample or inoculation with a reagent), exposure of a cell to 

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a reagent, allowing a cell to intCTact with other cells, select a cell, sort cells and separate 
types of cells from others. 

Cell Loading and Isolating 

Generally but not necessarily, a first step in an experiment is the loading of cells 
into trapping enclosures 140 of device 130. 

Sample inlet pump 158 receives a command from central control unit 144 to 
operate, loading a sample of cell-containing liquid through sample inlet 152 onto matrix 
145 on probe-end 134 of cell manipulation probe 132, Figure 6C. In an alternate 
embodiment using the variant of cell manipulation probe 145 depicted in Figure 6D, a 
cell-containing sample is introduced through sample introduction element 163 and 
flows out onto matrix 145. 

For all trapping enclosures 140 in which it is desired to load cells 142, a 
functionally associated first conduit pump 190 and a second conduit pump 192 are set 
by central control device 144 to suction mode. A cell 142 in proximity of a respective 
open trapping-end 170 is drawn into a respective trapping enclosure 140 and is drawn 
into a trapping enclosure 140 until making contact with a respective cell-stop 184. 

After a certain period of time when it is estimated that cells are trapped in all 
desired trapping enclosures 140, associated first conduit pumps 190 and second conduit 
pumps 192 are set to inactive mode by central control device 144. Observation 
component 150 receives a command from central control element 144 to examine all 
trapping enclosures 140 to ascertain if cells 142 are trapped therein. First conduit pump 
190 and second conduit pump 192 of trapping enclosures 140 that are empty are again 
set to suction mode until all desired trapping enclosures 140 hold cells 142. 

Once cells 142 are held in all desired trapping enclosures 140, a waste pimip 
functionally associated with a waste element is set to suction mode by central control 
unit 144. Excess cells and liquids not trapped in trapping enclosures 140 are removed 
and disposed of through inlet 148 of the waste element. Subsequently, fluid inlet pump 
160 is activated to dispense an appropriate cell culture medium through fluid inlet 154 
onto matrix 145 by central control unit 144. 

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In one embodiment, it is desired that cells 142 be trapped in substantially all 
trapping enclosures 140. In such an embodiment, first conduit pumps 190 and second 
conduit piimps 192 associated with all trapping enclosures 140 are set to suction mode 
and consequently draw cells 142 into a respective trapping enclosure 140. 

In a different embodiment, it is desired to maintain a maximal flexibility for 
movement of cells 142. In such an embodiment, in a first step first conduit pumps 190 
and second conduit pumps 192 associated with only non-neighboring trapping 
enclosures 140 are set to suction mode. In subsequent steps cells can be moved and 
transferred between trapping enclosures with great ease as every cell 142 has a free path 
to every trapping enclosure 140 of matrix 145, vide infra. 

Cell Observation 

In one embodiment of the present invention, a cell 142 in a trapping enclosure 
140 is observed through a respective open trapping-end 170. In another embodiment, 
the walls of a trapping enclosure 140 are transparent and a cell 142 held therein is 
observed therethrough. 

In a preferred embodiment, when cell manipulation elements are provided with a 
conduit or trapping enclosure deep enough to allow deep cell entry, cells 142 not to be 
observed are drawn inside the cell manipulation element so that only one or only a few 
cells 142, each in a trapping enclosure 140, remain in the proximity of a respective open 
trapping-end. Observation is then performed only on those cells 142 in proximity of a 
respective open trapping-end 170. 

Most preferably, if a cell 142 is held in a trapping enclosure 140 of a cell 
manipulation element suitable for suspending cell 142 above the trapping enclosure 
using the Venturi effect (such as cell manipulation element 182), as described above, 
then cell 142 to be observed is suspended for observation. Central control unit 144 sets 
a conduit pump functionally associated with axial conduit 186 to injection mode while 
conduit pumps functionally associated with one or more peripheral conduits 174 are set 
to suction mode. As discussed hereinabove, cell 142 trapped in trapping enclosure 140 
is elevated out of trapping enclosure 140 and suspended thereabove. The advantages of 
suspending a cell 142 to be observed in such a way are manifold. Cell 142 can be 
selectively and intensely illuminated using incoherent and/or coherent hght aimed at 

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cell 142. Light scattering and shadows are eliminated. Importantly the greater intensity 
of light allows the use of a small camera aperture, increasing depth of field and leading 
to the recording of a sharper image. Further, the intensity of lighting can be chosen to 
maximize contrast and thus maximize the observable details. 
5 After cell 142 is examined, associated first conduit pump 190 and second 

conduit pump 192 may be both set to suction mode to retum cell 142 to trapping 
enclosure 140. Thereafter an additional cell can be examined if required. 

Reagent addition through vial reagent inlet 

10 One way to expose cells to reagents is through a vial reagent inlet 156. Central 

control unit 144 activates vial reagent inlet pump 162 to dispense an amount of a 
reagent through a vial reagent inlet 156 onto matrix 145. However, in order for a cell 
142 held in a trapping enclosxire 140 to come in contact with a thus-dispensed reagent, 
the reagent must be brought into trapping enclosure 140. 

15 If all cells in all trapping enclosures are to be exposed to the reagent (for 

example, in the case where the reagent is a nutrient or a fluorescent marker), then one or 
both conduit pumps 190 and 192 associated with all trapping enclosures 140 are set to 
suction mode, drawing an amount of reagent into each trapping enclosure 140. 

If, however, it is desired that only certain cells 142 be exposed to a given 

20 reagent, then one or both conduit pumps 190 and 192 functionally associated only with 
the respective trapping enclosures 140 of certain cells 142 are set to suction mode. 

Reagent addition through a cell-manipulation component 

As stated above, the fact that a given trapping enclosure 140 is fiinctionally 

25 associated with two independently controllable conduit pumps 190 and 192 allows 
"washing*' of trapping enclosure 140 or of a cell 142 held within trapping enclosure 140 
by using one fimctionally associated conduit pump to inject a washing liquid 
simultaneously with extraction of the washing liquid using the other conduit pump. 

As stated above, the fact that a trapping enclosure 140 is fimctionally associated 

30 with two independently controlled conduit pumps 190 and 192 together with a reagent 
injection pump 194 as depicted in Figure 7F allows selective exposure of a cell 142 in 
trapping enclosure 140 to a reagent. Reagent injection pump 194 is set to add a desired 

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amount of reagent to the flow produced by first conduit pump 190 is set to injection 
mode. The flow of fluid from conduit 174 carries reagent to trapping enclosure 140, 
thus exposing cell 142 to the reagent. To prevent leakage of the reagent out of trapping 
enclosure 140, second conduit pump 192 is set to suction mode, actively removing 
5 reagent and other fluids from enclosxire 140. 

Moving a cell to a different trapping enclosure 

The movement of a cell 142 held in a trapping enclosure 140 to another trapping 
enclosure by a series of transfers between neighboring trapping enclosures is performed 
10 according to the method of the present invention and is clear from the description 
hereinabove. Such a transfer is schematically depicted in Figures 11. 

A cell 142 is held in a trapping enclosure of cell manipulation element 236, 
Figure 11 A. 

As depicted in Figure 11 A, conduit pumps ftmctionally associated with cell 
15 manipulation element 236 are set to injection mode and conduit pumps functionally 
associated with neighboring cell manipulation element 238 are set to suction mode. A 
flow of liquid is produced from ceil manipulation element 236 to neighboring cell 
manipulation element 238, depicted as arrows 240. 

As depicted in Figure IIB, the force produced by flow of liquid 240 ejects cell 
20 142 from cell manipulation element 236 and carries cell 142 towards neighboring cell 
manipulation element 238. 

As depicted in Figure IIC, cell 142 is ultimately carried into the trapping 
enclosure of neighboring cell manipulation element 238. 

A cell is moved from any trapping enclosure to any other unoccupied trapping 
25 enclosure along a path defined by a series of unoccupied neighboring enclosure, 
according to the method of the present invention and as described herein and in Figure 
3. The ability to move an individual cell from one trapping enclosure to any other 
trapping enclosure allows the performance of many useful experiments. 

For example, it may be desirous to expose similar cells to a series of reagents, 
30 but to compare the effect of changing the order of exposure or the length of time a cell 
is exposed to a given reagent. To perform such an experiment, cells are loaded into 

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trapping enclosures. The cells are sequentially transported to different trapping 
enclosures provided with specific reagents and therein exposed to reagents, as required. 

It is also often desired to study the interaction of two different types of cells. 
Cells of a first type are loaded into trapping enclosures, preferably unoccupied trapping 
5 enclosures. Cells of a second type are loaded into other trapping enclosxires, preferably 
unoccupied trapping enclosures. A cell of each type is moved, as described above, to a 
multi-cell reaction enclosure 151. In another embodiment contingent on a properly sized 
trapping enclosure, a first cell is moved into a trapping enclosure already occupied by a 
second cell. Observation component 150 is used to observe any interaction. When 
10 desired, the two cells are ejected fi*om multi-cell reaction enclosure 151 and another pair 
of cells is loaded therein for study. 

It is also often desired to move a specific cell or cells held in a trapping 
enclosure to an isolation element in order to collect cells of a certain type for fiirther 
study. Each individual cell is transferred through a series of trapping enclosures, firom 
15 one trapping enclosure to a neighboring trapping enclosure, until cell is located in a 
trapping enclosure 140 neighboring an isolation inlet 146 of an isolation element. The 
cell is ejected firom trapping enclosure 140 while a conduit pump functionally 
associated with the isolation element is activated so as to draw cell 142 into the isolation 
element through isolation inlet 146. 

20 Analogously, it may also be desired to discard a specific cell 142 firom a 

trapping enclosure. Cell 142 is transferred firom one trapping enclosure 140 to a 
neighboring trapping enclosure 140 until cell 142 is located in the vicinity of waste inlet 
148. Cell 142 is ejected fi-om trapping enclosure 140 while a pump fimctionally 
associated with the waste element is activated so as to draw cell 142 through waste inlet 

25 148. 

In most embodiments of the present invention, a device 130 is configured to 
allow simultaneous activation of many pumps and thus perform manipulations and 
fimctions simultaneously. Thus, in one embodiment of the present invention, numerous 
cells are individually manipulated simultaneously using one device of the .present 
30 invention such as 130. Thus, in another embodiment of the present invention, numerous 
cell-cell interactions are simultaneously performed using one device of the present 
invention such as 130. In another embodiment, nxmierous specific treatments and 

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manipulations of numerous individual cells are simultaneously performed using one 
device of the present invention such as 130. In another embodiment, many cells are 
simultaneously moved from a first trapping enclosure to another trapping enclosure, as 
desired. The preparation of an algorithm that calculates an optimal series of steps, where 

5 in each step one or more cells 142 are transferred from one trapping enclosure 140 to 
another, is well within the ability of one skilled in the art of computer programming. 
Such an algorithm is easily implemented in central control unit 144 of a device 130 of 
the present invention. Once an optimal smes of steps is found, central control unit 144 
sets the various conduit pumps to perform the appropriate actions according to the 

10 calculated series of steps so as to relocate and rearrange cells 142 as required. 

Preferably, at any given moment, the locations of all cells 142 in trapping 
enclosures 140 of a cell manipxjlation probe 132 are recorded in central control unit 144, 
Preferably, central control unit 144 also keeps a record of the manipulations that any 
given cell has imdergone. In such a way, data can be easily analyzed. 


Exemplarv Experiments 

One skilled in the art, upon perusal of the description of the present invention 
hereinabove is able to construct a device of the present invention and to plan a plethora 
of heretofore-impossible experiments, manipulations and studies that yield hitherto 

20 unavailable scientific information. For sunplicity, the words experiment, manipulation 
and study will be used hereinbelow interchangeably. The manipulation of individual 
cells enabled by the teachings of the present invention provides far more information for 
the understanding of biological implications of phenomena under study compared to 
bulk studies (eg., using cuvettes or microplates), flow-through cytometry studies or 

25 static cytometry studies. 

According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, specific cells are 
selected for real-time high-throughput study. It is important to note that some of the 
studies performed using the teachings of the present invention including some of those 
described hereinbelow may have been previously manually performed. It is important to 

30 note, however, that the teachings of the present invention are the first that allow the 
perfomiance of such studies automatically on many cells simultaneously as opposed to 
manually by highly skilled individuals. 

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An additional advantage of the present invention is that selected cells can be 
maintained for a relatively long period of time in varions environments, allowing a 
single cell to be used for many different experiments. For instance, using a device of the 
present invention a large number of cells is exposed to a stimulus and cells that respond 

5 to the stimulus in a certain way are isolated, for example, in trapping enclosures of a 
cell manipulation probe or by transfer to an isolation element as described above. 
Thereafter, the reaction of the isolated cells to other stimuli can be studied. In summary, 
once a cell having xmusual or otherwise interesting properties is identified the teachings 
of the present invention are used to isolate and further manipulate the cell, thereby 

10 pinpointing an investigation to a subgroup of relevant cells, reducing investigation time 
and saving valuable resources. Additionally, since such an investigation is done on a 
cell-by-cell basis, better and more precise data is obtainable, for example, for increased 
diagnostic accuracy. 

The teachings of the present invention can also be used for sorting cells or 

15 selecting specific cells firom a large population of cells. Such procedures include the 
selective removal of undesired cells or the harvesting of desired cells found in small 
proportions from amongst other cells, activities that cannot be performed using methods 
known in the art. Single-cell therapy can be performed by identifying and isolating only 
cells exhibiting a pathology from amongst a group of many cells, treating the isolated 

20 cell in some fashion (e.g"., exposure to a reagent) £Uid returning the thus-treated cell to 
the original group. Groups of cells having exceptional interest include, for example, 
lymphocytes in blood, T jurkat cell lines, lymph node cells, tumor cells and other 
representative groups. 

When applied to viable cells taken from a living organism (such as a mammal, 

25 both human and non-human), the teachings of the present invention enable the treatment 
of biological fluids from living organisms (such as a manraial, both human and 
non-human) by procedures including but not limited to the manipulation of individual 
cells or removal of abnormal cells (especially harmful abnormal cells) from amongst 
normal cells. Such a treatment can be considered a form of selective manipulation of 

30 particles (especially cells) in a biological fluid, including but not limited to lymphatic 
fluids, blood, cerebral spinal fluids, semen, saliva, synovial fluid, bone marrow, 
cochlear fluid, fluid extracted from tumors, especially malignant tumors, ovarian fluid. 

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amniotic fluid and chorionic fluid. In one embodiment, such treatments can be 
perfonned "off-line", that is by removing a sample of a biological fluid from an 
organism (both human and non-human) treating {e.g, selecting or manipulating cells) 
the fluid in a device of the present invention and returning the treated fluid to the 
organism. In a preferred embodiment, such treatments are performed "on-line", that is 
by directly attaching an input line from the organism to a device of the present 
invention, and returning the treated fluid to the organism. An "on-line" treatment 
according to the present invention of an organism is depicted in Figure 12, where an 
input line 243 is attached from an organism 245 to a device of the present invention 
247. In device 247 a desired treatment is performed and the treated fluid is returned 
from device 247 through an output line 249 back to organism 245. In such an 
embodiment it is advantageous that the central control unit of device 247 be configured 
to automatically detect and treat cells, for example by using automated image analysis. 

Another experiment that is performed using the teachings of the present 
invention involves loading cells to be studied into trapping enclosures of 
cell-manipulation elements equipped with hollow penetrating-tools. The cell walls are 
penetrated as described hereinabove and the penetrated cell inoculated with a first 
reagent injected through the conduit in the hollow-penetrating tool. The thus-prepared 
cell is exposed to a second reagent in a manner as discussed hereinabove. The reaction 
of the inoculated cell is then observed. 

Another related experiment involves the improved fertilization of ova (an 
improved form of IVF). A fluid sample containing viable ova is loaded onto a cell 
manipulation probe of the present invention. The ova are stored in trapping enclosures 
equipped with hollow penetrating tools. The walls of the ova are penetrated and sperm 
is injected therethrough into the ova. Each individual ovum is released firom the 
penetrating tool but retained inside a trapping enclosure. Cell division and development 
is observed and only ova that are successfully fertilized and apparently viable are 
moved to an isolation element for transfer to a uterus. 

A device of the present invention can also be used to transfer cells to a different 
device, for example a biochip processor as described in PCT patent application 
PCT2001 / IL 0000992 published as WO 03/035824. Cells are loaded and undergo 
manipulation as described above including selection, sorting and exposure to reagents 

wo 2004/077009 



and other stimuli. When it is so desired, cell-manipulation probe 132 is brought in 
contact, in proximity or somehow physically connected with a fluid passage (not 
depicted) with the surface of biocMp processor 242 (or the like such as a microwell 
plate such as a Nimc 384-well plate) as depicted in Figure ISA. A specific cell or cells 
5 are deposited from chosen trapping enclosures 244 and 246 in cell-manipulation probe 
132 to identifiable locations 248 and 250 on biochip processor 242. Biochip processor 
242 is then used to handle the selected cells in the usual way and as described in WO 
03/035824. In such a way, selected cells identified and isolated using the teachings of 
the present invention may be grown and allowed to proliferate. In another embodiment 

10 of the invention, this process is reversed so as to load a cell-manipulation probe 132 of 
the present invention with cells from a biochip processor 242 (or the like such as a 
microwell plate such as a Nunc 384-well plate). Cell manipulation probe 132 is brought 
in proximity to the surface of biochip processor 242, Figure 13B. Associated conduit 
pumps are set to suction mode, loading cells 142 from biochip processor 242 to trapping 

15 enclosures of cell manipulation probe 132. The ability to easily couple two advanced 
research methods exponentially increases the significant results gleaned from an 
experiment. Such coupling is exceptionally advantageous when the two research 
methods are format compatible, that is, when the number, and preferably geometric 
arrangement, of trapping enclosures in cell manipulation probe 132 are substantially 

20 similar or even identical to the identifiable locations (such as 248 and 250) of biochip 
processor 242. 

It is appreciated that certain features of the invention, which are, for clarity, 
described in the context of separate embodiments, may also be provided in combination 
in a single embodiment. Conversely, various features of the invention, which are, for 
25 brevity, described in the context of a single embodiment, may also be provided 
separately or in any suitable subcombination. 

Although the invention has been described in conjunction with specific 
embodiments thereof, it is evident that many alternatives, modifications and variations 
will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, it is intended to embrace all 
30 such alternatives, modifications and variations that fall within the spirit and broad scope 


46 f 

for the sake ot 

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1. A method of moving an individual small object from an initial location 

to a destination location comprising: 

a. defining a series of N+1 locations Lo-Ln, N being an integer greater 
than 1 wherein U is the initial location and Ln is the destination location; and 

b. for i from 0 to N-1, successively moving the individual small object 
from a location Li to a location Lj+i 

wherein said moving is effected by applying an attractive force from said location Li+i 
to the individual small object so as to cause the individual small object to move from a 
said location Li to a said location Ln-i.. 

2. The method of claim 1 wherein said location Li is fixed relative to said 
location Li+i. 

3. The method of claim 1 further comprising applying a repulsive force to 
the individual small object from location Li- 

4. The method of claim 3 wherein said repulsive force is selected from the 
group consisting of physical, electrical and magnetic forces. 

5. The method of claim 3 wherein said repulsive force is a resuU of a flow 
of fluid from said location Li. 

6. The method of claim 5 wherein said flow of fluid is generated by 
injection of a fluid from the vicinity of location U- 

7. The method of claim 1 wherein said attractive force is selected from the 
group consisting of physical, electiical and magnetic forces. 

8. The method of claim 1 whereijo'said attaractive force is a result of a flow 
of fluid towards said location Lj+i . 

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9. The method of claim 8 wherein said flow of fluid is generated by suction 
of a fluid from the vicinity of location Li+i. 

10. The method of claim 1 wherein at least one of said locations Lo...Ln, 
comprises an enclosure of a size sufficient to substantially enclose the individual small 

11. A method of moving an individual small object in a fluid from a first 
location to a second location comprising: 

a. drawing fluid towards the first location so as to produce a first force localizing 
the small object at the first location; and 

b. subsequenfly drawing fluid towards the second location so as to produce a 
second force localizing the small object at the second location. 

12. The method of claim 11 wherein said first location is fixed relative to 
said second location, 

13. The method of claim 11 wherein said drawing of fluid towards the first 
location and towards the second location is performed by suction of the fluid by a flow 

14. The method of claim 11 further comprising reducing the magnitude of 
said first force so as to assist in said localizing of the small object at the second location. 

15- The method of claim 1 1 fiirther comprising eliminating said first force so 
as to assist in said localizing of the small object at the second location. 

16. The method of claim 1 1 further comprising injecting fluid from the first 
location so as to produce a repulsive force to assist in said localizing of the small object 
at the second location. 

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17. The method of claim 11 wherein said first location and said second 
location comprise enclosures of a size sufficient to substantially enclose the individual 
small object. 

18. The method of claim 17 wherein said drawing of fluid towards the first 
location and towards the second location is performed by suction of said fluids from 
within a respective said enclosure. 

19. The method of claim 1 or 11 wherein the order of the size of the 
individual small object is equal to or less than about 10^ micron. 

20. The method of claim 1 or 11 wherein the order of the size of the 
individual small object is equal to less than about 10^ micron. 

21. The method of claim 1 or 11 wherein the order of the size of the 
individual small object is equal to less than about 10^ micron. 

22. The method of claim 1 or 11 wherein the order of the size of the 
individual small object is equal to less than about 10^ micron. 

23. The method of claim 1 or 11 wherein the individual small object is 
selected firom the group consisting of cells, crystals, bacteria, viruses, proteins, 
polymers, macromolecules, ions and atoms. 

24. The method of claim 1 or 1 1 wherein the small object is a cell. 

25. The method of claim 1 or 1 1 wherein said fluid is a liquid. 

26. The method of claim 1 or 11 wherein said liquid is a cell culture 

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27. A cell manipulation device comprising: 

a. at least N locations, each one of said N locations having a fixed position 
relative to at least one other of said N locations; and * 

b. at least two flow generators, each flow generator being functionally associated 
with a said location 

wherein N is at least two, 

wherein at least two of said flow generators are independently settable to a mode 
selected from the group of modes including a suction mode and an inactive mode 
and wherein at least two of said independently settable flow generators are each 
associated with a different said location. 

28. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least three and 
wherein at least three of said at least N locations are arranged in a 1 dimensional array. 

29. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least four and 
wherein at least four of said at least four locations are arranged in a 2 dimensional array. 

30. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least five and 
wherein at least five of said at least five locations are arranged in a rectangular lattice 

3 1 . The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least seven and 
wherein at least seven of said at least seven locations are arranged in a hexagonal lattice 

32. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least ten. 

33. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least 19. 

34. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least 24. 

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35. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein N is at least 36. 

36. The cell manipulation element of claim 27 wherein at least one of said 
flow generators is independently settable to a mode selected from the group of modes 
including a suction mode, an injection mode and an inactive mode. 

37. The cell manipulation element of claim 27 wherein each one of said flow 
generators is independently settable to a mode selected from the group of modes 
including a suction mode and an inactive mode 

38. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein at least two of said at 
least N locations are substantially defined by the presence of an inlet of a respective said 

39. The cell manipulation device of claim 38 wherein said at least two of 
said at least N locations are substantially depressions in a surface. 

40. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein at least two of said at 
least N locations substantially comprise open trapping-ends of enclosvires. 

41. The cell manipulation device of claim 40 wherein emerging within at 
least two of said at least two enclosures is an inlet of a respective flow-generator. 

42. The cell manipulation element of claim 40 wherein the order of the size 
of said at least two open trapping-ends is equal to or less than about 10^ micron. 

43. The cell manipulation element of claim 40 wherein the order of the size 
of said at least two open trapping-ends is equal to or less than about 10^ micron. 

44. The cell manipulation element of claim 40 wherein the order of the size 
of said at least two open trapping-ends is equal to or less than about lO' micron. 

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45. The cell manipulation element of claim 40 wherein the order of the size 
of said at least two open trapping-ends is equal to or less than about 10^ micron. 

46. The cell manipulation element of claim 40 wherein at least one of said N 
locations is associated with at least two flow generators and wherein each one of said at 
least two flow generators is independently settable to a mode selected from the group of 
modes including a suction mode and an inactive mode. 

47. The cell manipulation element of claim 40 wherein at least one of said N 
locations is associated with at least three flow generators and wherein each one of said 
at least three flow generators is independently settable to a mode selected from the 
group of modes including a suction mode and an inactive mode. 

48. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein any one said location 
is no more than 1000 micron distant from at least one other said location. 

49. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein any one said location 
is no more than 100 micron distant from at least one other said location. 

50. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein any one said location 
is no more than 10 micron distant from at least one other said location. 

5 1 . The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein any one said location 
is no more than 1 micron distant from at least one other said location. 

52. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein at least one of said N 
locations is configured to suspend a cell at distance from said at least one of said N 
locations using a Venturi effect. 

53. The cell manipulation device of claim 27 wherein at least one of said N 
locations is provided with a cell wall penetrating tool. 

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54. The cell manipulation device of claim 53 wherein each said cell wall 
penetrating tool provided with a said location comprises a member pointing in a 
direction substantially opposite a flow generated by a said flow generator functionally 
associated with said location when set to suction mode. 

55. A method of studying a cell comprising suspending said cell individually 
in a liquid by using a Venturi effect. 

56. A device for suspending a cell in a liquid comprising: 

a. a substantially hollow body having an open trapping-end and a central 


b. emerging within said hollow body, at least one outlet of a flow 
generator configured to inject liquid into said hollow body and through said 
open trapping-end in a first flow substantially parallel to said central axis of said 
hollow body; and 

c. emerging within said hollow body, at least one inlet of a flow 
generator configured to draw liquid through said open trapping-end and out of 
s£iid hollow body in a second flow substantially parallel to said central axis of 
said hollow body; 

wherein said first flow is closer to said central axis than said second flow. 

57. A method of penetrating a cell wall comprising: 

a. immersing, in a liquid, a cell wall penetrating tool pointing in a first 
direction; and 

b. applying suction from a second direction opposite said first direction 
so as to cause a cell in said liquid to be carried against said cell wall penetrating 

v/here the intensity of said carrying is sufficient to cause a wall of said cell to be 

58. A device for penetrating a cell wall comprising: 

a. a substantially hollow body having an open trapping-end; 

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b. emerging within said hollow body, at least one inlet of a flow 
generator configured to draw liquid out of said hollow body in a flow having a 
first direction; and 

c. a cell wall penetrating tool pointing in a second direction substantially 
opposite said first direction. 

59. A method for selecting cells comprising: 

a. providing a group of cells; 

b. isolating cells from said group of cells each of said cells in an 
individual enclosure; 

c. examining each isolated cell; and 

d. selecting isolated cells fiilfiUing at least one criterion. 

60. The method of claim 57 further comprising: 

e. separating said selected cells firom said group of cells. 

61 . A method for treating a cell-containing biological fluid comprising 

a. providing the cell-containing biological fluid; 

b. identi^ng cells to be treated in the biological fluid; 

c. differentiating between said cells to be treated and other cells; and 

d. either or both: 

i. physically separating said cells to be treated firom said other cells; and / 


ii. directly manipulating said cells to be treated 
thus treating the biological fluid. 

62. The method of claim 61 wherein during said identifying each cell is 
isolated in an individual enclosure. 

63. The method of claim 61 wherein said manipulating is selected from the 
group consisting of destroying said cells to be treated, exposing said cells to be treated 

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to a reagent, exposing said cells to be treated to radiative energy and penetrating cell 
walls of said cells to be treated 

64. The method of claim 61 wherein the biological liquid is selected from 
the group consisting of lymphatic fluids, blood, cerebral spinal fluids, semen, saliva, 
synovial fluid, bone marrow, cochlear fluid, fluid extracted from tumors, ovarian fluid, 
amniotic fluid and chorionic fluid. 

65. The method of claim 61 further comprising: 

e. subsequently to d, directing the biological liquid into a living organism. 

66. The method of claim 61 wherein said providing the biologicsd liquid, 
comprises a step of taking the biological liquid from a living organism. 

67. The method of claim 62 further comprising 

e. subsequently to d, directing the biological liquid into a living organism 
and wherein said providing the biological liquid includes a step of directing the 
biological liquid to flow from said living organism to said individual enclosures. 

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